Angkor what?

14 januari 2016 - Prasat Bakong, Cambodja

Those past few weeks went way too fast. Really. Next week I'm going home already, but I would want to stay forever. We went to the Angkor Wat last weekend and we had to wake up at three, what wasn't that bad if we could see the sunrise. But because karma wasn't on my side, Saturday was the only cloudy day. What means that we couldn't see the sunrise. Hell yeah. The rest of the Angkor Wat was amazing anyways, just beautiful. My camera's battery died at the half of the tour, I still had my phone so it was not that bad. When we came back we went to a night market. Wait not just one, we went to three. And I loved it, they had really cool clothes and stuff, I couldn't stop myself from buying all these things haha. I kept telling myself that my trip is almost over and I can buy souvenirs by now. So that's what I did. If you have any requests, shout it out and I'll look for you :). It's now or never haha. I really wanted to go out that night, but I was soooooo tired, we kept falling asleep in the tuktuk. The day after we just went to a nice restaurant where they sell croissants, because I was craving for them. All my friends kept sending photos of them eating croissants, I've such some stupid friends ;)

At the village everything is still kinda the same. Everyone tries to feed me anything, from fishheads to energy drinks. They really won't stop it. They also love giving me beer, that's one of the pros. That's why the first word I learned in Cambodian was tjeulmoi (cheers/proost). I went to a lot of parties and now everyone keeps telling me mo bi dalien, I didn't know what it meant at first so I found someone who could translate it for me. It means that you go to a lot of places (wanderer). I'm always late for lunch and dinner because I'm somewhere else :/ only cold food for Femke. One of the funny things at parties is that when I go dancing everyone goes on the dance floor, and as soon as I go and sit down everyone stops dancing. Believe me I tested it haha haha. Yesterday we went to a party, especially because I wanted some beer. So we walked for like 20 - 25 minutes, we danced a little and apparently there was no beer. Mewehwh. So we went back and I texted a friend that I wanted some beer so we went to grab a beer somewhere else. It was a good night :)

They're so good at playing volleyball here, I really love to watch it. But 2 days ago they asked me if I wanted to join them, so I said: that's okay, but only in the breaks because I'm not that good. They thought something else so I ended up playing a volleyball game, they just said to me stay in the back, or even better: Stay behind me. Thanks I know I'm a pro haha. We had a big crowd of people who surrounded us and they all laughed at me, all the time. Luckily I'm used to it by now.

Tomorrow it's weekend and we'll go to Siem Reap again, SOUVENIRS SHOPPING. HERE WE GO.

I still can't believe I'm going home in a week, it will be so hard to say goodbye to all those great people. I'm going to miss them :( Maybe I'll come home with some kidnapped students, they're so adorable.

Ohja, vanochtend lag er een varkenshoofd buiten op tafel, wat word ik daar toch gelukkig van. Not.

2 Reacties

  1. Jort:
    14 januari 2016
    Mmm even denken
    Armbandjes ennnn kleding ennnnn schoenen ennnnnn armbandjes ennnnnn nice tshirt ennnnnn overhemd ennnnnnnnnnnnuuuhhh
  2. Mamma:
    20 januari 2016
    kom maar gewoon weer veilig terug xxxxmooi geschreven