Some new friends for Femke :)

8 januari 2016 - Krong Siem Reap, Cambodja


This week of teaching was incredible, the kids love to learn and they're all very smart :) After the weekend I made the conclusion that there's really nothing to do in our village so I started to make some friends with the locals what's so much fun :D. Tuesday I went to a party in front of the health centre; I thought like this huge party was going on because the music was so loud. But then I came there and it was just this little group of people. So I went dancing with them :) Loved it. Also I went to watch the people play volleyball, it's so nice because they really enjoy it and they're all so good at it, they asked me to play with them but I had to pass haha. I did play some volleyball yesterday though.

Now I'm spending every night at a woman's house and I still don't know her name. But she loves me, she keeps trying to let me eat their food, I can't explain to her why I can't eat it. I'm just talking English to them and they talk Cambodian to me, it really doesn't work in both ways. They're always laughing at me, because of my long legs or things like that. It's so funny. Most of the time we watch Cambodian series which are hilarious, the expressions on the faces of the actors, priceless.

Yesterday I polished the nails of the woman, she really loves it. She kept calling people to come over and watch her nails :)

Tomorrow I'm going to the Angkor Wat, world's biggest temple complex. I've to wake up pretty early (03.45) jippie haha.I think I'll upload some new photos when I get back to Holland or when I'm in Bangkok again, because right now I don't have internet for it. And I'm bitten to death by the mosquitos
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